Elinor Moshe - Don't Give Power To Your Mentors

In this episode I am joined by Elinor Moshe, an ambitious and driven leader and dedicated mentor in the construction industry.

It is important for us to review our relationship with success, mentoring and our future selves. We seek out mentors to hear what we don’t want to hear as well as for encouragement. They are trusted advisors in our career and life.

In this episode we discuss why we shouldn’t give power to our mentors. Expecting someone else to fix you or make you achieve success is a false sense of expectation. This allows them to enable you, causing you further damage. We all have mentors, yet they don’t even know they are our mentors in most cases. In fact, often neither do we. Many of us feel societal pressure to seek out a mentor, especially in business, because we don’t feel we will ‘succeed’ without them. You shouldn’t give power to your mentor, but simply consider their advice.

We also discuss failure. You have to fail somewhere to achieve somewhere else. There is no success without failure. 

Raising our awareness of who is a mentor in our lives and how much power we give to them allows us to proceed with greater trust in ourselves and ultimately we can begin to live more of a life.

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We discuss two books within this podcast. 

-Elinor Moshe's book “Constructing Your Career” :

-Elizabeth Day’s book “How To Fail” :

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